Dr. Antwon Martin is an author, speaker and professor. The Lord has blessed him to be an empowering and relevant voice to this generation. He has been featured on television, radio and other media locales due to his exceptional accomplishments. Dr. Martin serves as the Assistant Pastor at Greater Bethel of Los Angeles under the awesome leadership of his father, Bishop Aaron M. Martin, II.
Humility, compassion and integrity best describe Dr. Martin. He is an effective and dynamic speaker that is known for his powerful, rousing delivery. His passion is to reinsure this generation that they don't have to find their confidence, self esteem or self worth from the world’s viewpoint but rather find it in the eyes of God.
Antwon has devoted his life to winning lost souls for the Kingdom. Countless testimonies attest to his passion. He is determined to impact the world for Jesus in such a way that families are strengthened, broken hearts are healed and those who are bound are freed.
This educated college professor has a resume of educating in 500+ seat lecture halls at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) to intimate settings at private Universities. He believes that there is prominence in academic achievement. Dr. Martin has received four collegiate degrees (Associates in Business Administration, Bachelors in Business Finance, Masters in Education, and Doctorate in Education). While in college he met the woman of his dreams, Yvette Peté. They dated for four years and then married on December 29, 2001. Antwon and Yvette are the proud parents of Hannah Rose and Faith Abigail Martin.